Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Unbreakable Woman

Mother Always sacrifice her live to make her children happy
Unbreakable Woman
I will tell you about story life  of  a woman who tirelessly and without know desperation in every step by step through her life. she is a woman who is very deserving for her children. she wants to make her children become a successful and useful. That's my mother. Her name is Rila istinawati. she was born on 30 October 1964. she formerly worked at a private bank in Yogyakarta, namely Bank niaga. She felt happy worked there, because when she worked there she can be alive her family. Then as time went by she got out from Niaga bank, because she was pregnant. She prefers out from Niaga bank since she became a housewife and she wanted to spend her time to carry  my sister who was still in the womb. my mother has a hobby, her hobby is cooking, she always cook for her family. That’s my mother who sacrifice her life to my family.

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